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[Day 15] How to use one-dimensional array

In this class, I learned about one-dimensional array for containing the values.

Unlike general variables, one-dimensional arrangement can be accessed through an index to each space.
For example, if you declare five variables, each variable must be defined with a specific value.
However, if you declare a 1D array with five spaces only once, each value can be accessed through an index.

/* General Variables */
int A1 = 10;
int A2 = 20;
int A3 = 30;
int A4 = 40;
int A5 = 50;

/* One-dimensional Array */
int A[5] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};


In case of charater array, string values can be seperated by each letter with indexing.

/* General Variables */
char Char1 = 'H';
char Char2 = 'E';
char Char3 = 'L';
char Char4 = 'L';
char Char5 = 'O';

printf("%c \n", Char1);
printf("%c \n", Char2);
printf("%c \n", Char3);
printf("%c \n", Char4);
printf("%c \n", Char5);

/* One-dimensional Array */
char Str[6] = "HELLO";

printf("%s \n", Str);
printf("%c \n", Str[0]);
printf("%c \n", Str[1]);
printf("%c \n", Str[2]);
printf("%c \n", Str[3]);
printf("%c \n", Str[4]);