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Study Meeting/빡공단 30기

[Day 14] 'Number Baseball Game' in C Programming


Today's lecture covered how to make a code for 'Number Baseball Game' in C Programming.
Here's the rules of 'Number Baseball Game' as below.

1. Generate 3 digits randomly
2. Enter 3 digits to get the right answer.
3. If the digit position and value of the entered number are the same, it is considered a strike.
4. The digit position of the entered number is different, but if the value is the same, it is considered a ball.
5. Out if the number you enter does not have the same number as the number you created.
6. If you get the right answer before 3 outs, you win. If you get 3 outs, you lose.


And I practice to write a code for implementing the 'Number Baseball Game' as below.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    /* Initialize the variable for putting the values */
    int Q_num1, Q_num2, Q_num3;
    int A_num1, A_num2, A_num3;
    int input;
    int strike = 0, ball = 0, out = 0;
    /* Initialize the randum seed function */
    /* Check the first number */
    Q_num1 = rand() % 10;
    /* Check the second number */
    Q_num2 = rand() % 10;
    while (Q_num2 == Q_num1) {
    	Q_num2 = rand() % 10;
    /* Check the third number */
    Q_num3 = rand() % 10;
    while ((Q_num3 == Q_num1) || (Q_num3 == Q_num2)) {
    	Q_num3 = rand() % 10;
    while(1) {
    	/* Input the number */
        printf("Please input the number \n");
        scanf("%d", &input);
        A_num1 = input/100;
        A_num2 = (input%100)/10;
        A_num3 = input%10;
        /* Checking the first number whether strike or ball */
        if (A_num1 == Q_num1) strike++;
        else if (A_num1 == Q_num2) ball++;
        else if (A_num1 == Q_num3) ball++;
        /* Checking the second number whether strike or ball */
        if (A_num2 == Q_num1) ball++;
        else if (A_num2 == Q_num2) strike++;
        else if (A_num2 == Q_num3) ball++;
        /* Checking the third number whether strike or ball */
        if (A_num3 == Q_num1) strike++;
        else if (A_num3 == Q_num2) ball++;
        else if (A_num3 == Q_num3) strike++;
        /* Counting when the strike and ball are zero */
        if ((strike == 0) && (ball == 0)) out ++;
        printf("%d strike, %d ball, %d out \n", strike, ball, out);
        /* If input number make 3 strike, the player won the game */
        if (strike == 3) {
        	printf("Player win \n");
            printf("Anwer is %d%d%d, Q_num1, Q_num2, Q_num3);
        /* If input number make 3 out, the player fail the game */
        if (out == 3) {
        	printf("Player fail \n");
            printf("Answer is %d%d%d, Q_num1, Q_num2, Q_num3);
        /* Initialize the count */
        strike = 0;
        ball = 0;
    return 0;